
Amen was originally a Hebrew word which has been adopted into nearly every language. In English Bibles, it is also translated truly, verily, and assuredly. Amen is an affirmation of faithfulness and trustworthiness.

In Hebrew, amen was closely related to the verb aman, which means to support, confirm, or be faithful. Amen does not not simply express that someone likes what has been done or said. Amen expresses acknowledgment of objective truthfulness, accuracy, and reliability.  Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 19:7

When we fill out a form, we may sign or check a box which declares: “I certify that this information is true.” Similarly, we check a box declaring we have read, understand, and agree to a terms of use or privacy policy. These are examples of giving an “amen” in a non-religious context.

Amen has several applications:

(1) Assertion of certainty. Jesus was particularly fond of prefacing statements with a double amen, which is usually translated as truly, truly, or verily, verily, or most assuredly. This prompted his audience to recognize the truthfulness of his words. Prayers and psalms sometimes ended with “amen” to prompt listeners to accept or express acceptance of the words as true.  John 3:3; Psalm 106:48

(2) Approval or endorsement. Amen may also be given by listeners or participants being led in worship. For example, amens may be heard in a church setting during or after a prayer, song, or lesson to emphasize recognition of the truthfulness of what has been said or done.  1 Chronicles 16:36

(3) Agreement or consent. Upon hearing God’s laws, Israelites were sometimes told to respond with, “Amen.” If they later broke the law, their own amen stood as a witness against them.  Deuteronomy 27:15-26

(4) A description of God. Amen is used as a title of Jesus in Revelation, and the meaning is expanded as the faithful and true witness. This expresses the certainty of his teachings, promises, and warnings.  Revelation 3:14

Now to the King eternal– the immortal, invisible, and only God– be honor and glory forever and ever! Amen.  1 Timothy 1:17

~ SR

Related words: supplication

Ruhmann, Scott. “Word of the Week: Amen.” 27th Street Church of Christ. Access date: .